Âme Copenhagen tunic

christelle-skjorte-Âme-Copenhagen@2xlong-shirt-tunic@2xmodeblog-ame-copenhagen-fashion-blog@2xÂme-Copenhagen-dress@2xtunic-dress@2xTunic dress/Âme Copenhagen HERE, leather jacket/Zara (similar HERE, AFFILIATE LINK), boots/Toga Pulla HERE, sunglasses/Céline HERE, jewelry/Jane Kønig HERE

En af de få ting fra Âme Copenhagen, som jeg ikke har fået vist ordentligt på bloggen endnu er denne fine tunika. Da vi designede kollektionen, gik vi blandt andet ud fra, hvad vi selv manglede i vores garderobe. Vi blev enige om, at det ville være rart at have nogle items, som man hurtigt kunne smide over hovedet og nemt spice op med få accessories. Netop sådan blev denne tunika til. :) Jeg har her stylet den med et bælte på hoften, en rå læderjakke og et par chunky støvler. Den ville også være fin over en bikini på vej til stranden, når vejret bliver lidt bedre. God aften, piger!
One of the few things that I haven’t really shown you on the blog from Âme Copenhagen is this cool tunic. When we designed the collection, we had in mind, what we were missing in our own wardrobes. We agreed that it would be nice to have some items which you could quickly throw over your head and easily spice up with only a few accessories. So this is how we came up with the idea for this tunic. :) I have here styled it with a belt, a raw leather jacket and a pair of chunky boots. It would also look cool on top of a bikini on the way to the beach. Have a lovely evening, girls!


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