Eller rettere – jeg modtog dem for noget tid siden efterhånden. De er alle fra Ebay og koster omkring 12-14 kr. inklusiv porto per par. De sorte ugler kan købes her, guld uglerne kan købes her og peacetegnene kan købes her. Billigt ikke? :)
I received these three pairs of earrings from Ebay a couple of weeks ago. The black owls are available here, the gold owls are available here and the peace earrings are available here and cost approx. $2.5 each. Cheap right? :)
Godmorgen allesammen! Kan I have en skøn dag. See you later alligator..
Good morning everyone! Have a fab day. See you later alligator..
Mit outfit er ikke værd at tage billeder af i dag :) Jeg ville derimod gerne have haft dette outfit på – klassisk med et twist. Alt er fra Topshop! Er de ikke lidt cool de støvler?
My outfit today is not worth taking pics of :) Anyway I would have loved to wear this! Everything is from Topshop – it’s classical with a twist! Aren’t these boots cool?