Talking about models… Amanda Nørgaard er jo også fantastisk smuk og har en fab stil! Fed inspiration!
Talking about models.. Amanda Nørgaard is also extremely beautiful and has a fab style! Great inspiration!
I mandags var jeg til et cool event hos Schwarzkopf for at se deres “Essential Looks Show”, hvor de gav bud på efterårets hårmode inspireret af de store modehuse. Der var både 70’er inspirerede frisurer med bløde krøller og fald, klassiske frisurer i kastanjebrune nuancer, minimalistiske isblonde frisurer og asymmetriske frisurer med skarpe kanter i kulsort og kraftige røde farver. Og så var vi så heldige at få nogle lækre produkter med hjem :)
On Monday I went to an event hosted by Schwarzkopf to see their “Essential Looks Show”, where they gave their take on Autumn’s hairstyles. There were both 70’s inspired hairstyles, classic hairstyles in shades of maroon, minimalistic silverblond hairstyles and asymmetric hairdos with sharp edges in the shades of pitch black and powerful reds. Great evening!
Abbey Lee er jo gudesmuk med sit nye, lyse hår! Hun er altså en af mine favorit modeller! Hvilken model er jeres favorit?
Abbey Lee looks stunning with her new, blond hair! She really is one of my favourite models at the moment! Which model is your favourite?
Source: stardustandsequins