Jeg var som sagt sammen med mine skønne veninder Louise og Malene i dag, og fik taget lidt billeder af deres lækre garderobe. Som tidligere nævnt er de jo tvillinger og bor sammen, så forestil jer lige at have dobbelt så stor en garderobe at vælge imellem!! Jeg synes de har en super fed stil, så tænkte I også lige skulle have et indblik i den! De er gode til at blande både nyt og vintage fund og har et hav af fede smykker og sko! Jeg tænkte at “vis mig din garderobe” evt. kunne blive en ny kategori, hvis I synes?
I have as mentioned spent my day with two of my best friends Louise and Malene and took some pics of their wardrobe. They’re twins and live together, so try to imagine how it’s like to have twice as big a wardrobe to choose from!! I really like their style, so I thought you should have a glimpse of it as well! They’re very good at mixing both new and old stuff and has a wealth of cool jewelry and shoes! I’ve thought of that “Show me your wardrobe” could become a new category if you think so?
I have as mentioned spent my day with two of my best friends Louise and Malene and took some pics of their wardrobe. They’re twins and live together, so try to imagine how it’s like to have twice as big a wardrobe to choose from!! I really like their style, so I thought you should have a glimpse of it as well! They’re very good at mixing both new and old stuff and has a wealth of cool jewelry and shoes! I’ve thought of that “Show me your wardrobe” could become a new category if you think so?
Og så tjek lige udsigten fra deres nye lejlighed!! – Var simpelthen nødt til lige at vise jer den! Misundelig? Nej da..
This is the view from their new apartment!! – I just had to show you guys! Jealous? Not at all..
Et hurtigt dagens i min nye Ivana Helsinki kjole købt på et loppemarked og frynsesandaler fra Asos. Har været sammen med med to gode veninder i dag og fik taget lidt billeder af deres lækre garderobe! Så hæng på :)
Today I’m wearing my new Ivana Helsinki dress bought at a flea market and fringe sandals from Asos. I’ve spent the day together with two good friends and shot some pics of their fab wardrobe! I’ll show you soon :)
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