Synes faktisk ikke særlig godt om disse støvler, men kunne ikke lade være at falde over ligheden. Balenciagas (til venstre) og en kopi på Ebay (til højre) – svært at se forskellen ikke? Find dem her.
I don’t really fancy these boots, but I couldn’t help notice the similarity. Balenciaga’s (left) and a copy found on Ebay (right) – It is hard to tell the difference right? Get them here.
Virkelig fine sko fra Acne – Kære julemand lad mig vinde i lotto! Køb dem her.
I love these shoes from Acne! – Dear Santa, let me win the lottery! Get them here.
Se hvad jeg faldt over på Ebay. Den ligner jo den Kate Moss har på til forveksling. Så hvis I skal have fingre i den, skal I være hurtige – auktionen udløber om fem dage! Find den her.
I stumbled upon this cool jacket on Ebay. I think it looks very much like the one Kate Moss is wearing – it is hard to tell the difference. The auction ends in five days, so hurry up if you want to be the happy owner of this jacket. Get it here.