Breakfast club

unionkitchen@2xbrunch københavn@2xbloggere danmark@2xavocadomad@2xemilysalomon@2xtheuniounkitchen@2x

– Breakfast at “The Union Kitchen” with Emily, Acie & Cathrine this morning –

Jeg mødtes med disse herlige bloggerdamer her til morgen, hvor den stod på hygge og en omgang morgenmad på “The Union Kitchen”. Det er rart at være ude med bloggerkollegaer, da det er helt okay at tage billeder af sin mad, inden den ryger indenbords. :) – Det er nærmest usædvanligt ikke at gøre det, haha! Vi taler egentlig ikke særlig meget om blogging, når vi er sammen. Vi har så mange fælles interesser, i qua af det vi laver, at vi har 10.000 andre ting at tale om. Det er altid dejligt at bruge tid i deres selskab. God aften til alle jer skønne læsere! :) Der kommer et par billeder op af dagens kluns senere. <3


I met up with these three lovely blogger ladies this morning at “The Union Kitchen”. We had a great breakfast and talked about life. It’s really nice to eat out with these girls, as it’s totally okay to take pics of your food before eating it, haha… We actually rarely talk about blogging, when we hang out. We have a lot of the same interest, in virtue of our blogs and what goes with it, so we always have so much other stuff to talk about. :) It’s always great to spend time in their company. Have a lovely evening, everyone. I’ll post some pics of today’s outfit later tonight. <3



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