
outfit-modeblog-fashion-blog@2x– My latest outfits –

Jeg har samlet et lille overblik over mine seneste outfits. Jeg må hellere snart anskaffe mig nogle nye solbriller, så I ikke skal se dem på 6 ud af 9 billeder, haha… – Selvom jeg er ret glad for dem. ;) Har I et favorit look denne gang? Jeg kan personligt bedst lide dette look stærkt efterfulgt af dette sommerlige outfit.

Here is a small overview of my latest outfits. I think I’d better get some new sunglasses soon, so you don’t have to look at them on 6 out of 9 outfits in the future, haha… Do you have a favorite look this time? Personally, I like this look the best closely followed by this Summery outfit.


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Summer shirts


Contains affiliate links: 1. Vero Moda/HERE, 2. Vila/HERE, 3. Vero Moda/HERE, 4. Inwear/HERE, 5. Part Two/HERE, 6. Selected Femme/HERE, 7. Vila/HERE, 8. Vero Moda/HERE

Vejret lyder ganske lovende den næste uges tid. Endelig ser det ud til, at sommeren er kommet til Danmark. :) Juhuu! I den anledning vil jeg tippe jer om, at Boozt i øjeblikket kører en kampagne med op til 50% rabat på fine sommertoppe og bluser. Jeg har ovenfor fundet nogle af mine favoritter til inspiration. Hvilken én kan I bedst lide? :) I kan se hele udvalget HER.


Summer has finally come to Denmark! Wehuu… Such a great feeling! :) In that context I want to tell you that Boozt currently is running a campaign with great savings on lots of Summery shirts and tops. Above I have found some of my favorites. Which one do you like the best? :) Find the entire selection HERE.

Contains affiliate links


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Cropped top

nederdel-bryllup@2xtøj-til-bryllup-gæst@2xasos-hvid-top-crop-top@2xted-baker-nederdel@2xted-baker-skirt@2xContains affilliate links: white top/Asos HERE, skirt/Ted Baker HERE, shoes/Asos HERE, leather jacket/Zara (similar HERE), bag/Chanel

I lørdags var jeg til Cathrines fødselsdag. Fordi hun er så glad for fest og farver, var jeg hoppet i en blomstret nederdel, en cropped top og høje hæle. Jeg synes næsten ikke, at jeg kunne være andet bekendt, når hun altid selv ankommer til fest i tyl og pailletter. ;) Jeg følte mig dog en anelse ung med de unge, da jeg stod derhjemme foran spejlet i cropped top, men hvis jeg ikke kan have sådan én på nu i mine tyvere, så kan jeg nok aldrig. Så hvorfor ikke? Det er jo bare tøj, som Cathrine selv plejer at sige. – Og man skal kunne have det sjovt med det, ikke? ;)


Last Saturday, I went to Cathrine’s birthday party. She loves dressing up herself, so therefore I had also put on a pretty festive outfit. When I was standing in front of the mirror at home in this outfit, I felt a bit odd wearing a cropped top. But then I was thinking, that if can’t wear it now in my twenties, then never. So why not? It’s just clothes and you’re supposed to have fun with it, right? ;)


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