
Som jeg tidligere har nævnt, planlægger vi at lave nyt køkken. Faktisk har vi allerede tænkt os, at gå igang i næste uge, når vi kommer hjem fra ferie. Derfor bruger vi nogle af dagene her i Norge på at tale om, hvordan det helt præcist skal se ud. Vi vil som sagt gerne have noget i stil med DETTE og har brugt nogle af de ovenstående billeder til inspiration. Hvordan ser jeres drømmekøkken ud?

As I have mentioned earlier, we are planning to install a new kitchen. It is very difficult to decide, how it should look like, when you have all the opportunities in the world, but I think we have finally made a decision. We really want it to look like THIS which also is quite similar to the pics above. How does your dream kitchen looks like?

Photo credit: Pinterest – follow me HERE