Der er mange ting, man skal tage stilling til, når man skal giftes. Faktisk overraskende mange. Èn af tingene er, hvordan håret skal sidde. Skal det hænge løst, sættes op eller en kombi? Skal man have slør på? Og i så fald – hvilket slags slør? Mulighederne er mange. Jeg har endnu ikke besluttet mig, men jeg har gemt og pinnet en hel del inspirationsbilleder. Hvad synes I bedst om blandt frisurerne ovenfor?

blog, københavn, high-street

There are many things to consider when getting married. In fact, surprisingly many. One of the things is how to put your hair on the big day. Should it hang loose, be put up or a combination? Do you want a veil? And if so – what kind of veil? The possibilities are endless. I have not yet decided, how I want my hair, but I have saved and pinnet a great deal of inspiration pictures. Which one do I like best about among the hairstyles above?

Photo credit: Pinterest