Kommode med masser af opbevaringsplads


Reklame link: Ellos/HER

Da jeg viste dette lille hjørne af vores soveværelse forleden på Instagram, var der flere, der spurgte ind til kommoden ovenfor. Vi købte den for et års tid siden, da vi havde brug for mere opbevaringsplads – den kan faktisk rumme helt enormt meget. Jeg kan ret godt lide det industrille look, som giver lidt kontrast til vores meget lyse lejlighed. For at bryde den sorte overflade en smule, har jeg printet forskellige citater og digte ud på nettet, som jeg har sat i de små “ruder”. Dem kan man jo skifte ud, som man lyster. I kan finde link til den under billederne, hvis den skulle have interesse. God aften til jer alle. ♡


When I showed this little corner of our bedroom the other day on Instagram, I received a lot of questions about the black dresser. We bought it a year ago, as we needed more storage space – it can actually contain a whole lot more than your think. I really like the industrial look which adds some edge to our very light apartment. I have found some cute poems on Google and added them in the little windows to break up the totally black surface of the dresser. I have posted a link below the pictures, if you’re interested in getting one yourself. Have a great evening, everyone. 

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File cabinet with lots of storage space


Add link: Ellos/HERE

When I showed this little corner of our bedroom the other day on Instagram, I received a lot of questions about the black dresser. We bought it a year ago, as we needed more storage space – it can actually contain a whole lot more than your think. I really like the industrial look which adds some edge to our very light apartment. I have found some cute poems on Google and added them in the little windows to break up the totally black surface of the dresser. I have posted a link below the pictures, if you’re interested in getting one yourself. Have a great evening, everyone. ♡

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Walk down memory lane

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Christoffer and I have started a massive cleanup at home. We have too much stuff that we don’t use which just take up space. Among other things, I’m about to clean up my wardrobe and put things up for sale. One of the good things about having a blog and documenting everything is that I have pictures of almost all the clothes I own. It is therefore quite easy to put up for sale. However, it’s like cleaning up drawers at home where it always takes 100 years because you stumble upon old love letters, birthday cards, etc.

The same thing happens when I surf around my blog for old pictures. When you have been blogging for more than eight years there is so much content to go through – funny and ugly outfits and memories from special experiences in life. Above are some of my old outfits. Many of them I would still like to wear and others – not so much. ;) Anyway – it’s fun to look back at. Are there any of you who have been following me for so long that you can remember these looks?

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