Twisted messy ponytail


I plejer at være ret glade for hårguides. Specielt den slags der tager under fem minutter at lave. Forståeligt nok. ;) Man gider ikke bruge oceaner af tid foran spejlet om morgenen, så det skal være nemt, ellers får man det ikke gjort. Basta.

Jeg vil derfor fremover forsøge at give et godt tip til en nem hverdagsfrisure én gang om ugen. I sidste uge viste jeg en guide til en rodet knold (se den HER) og denne gang handler det om, hvordan man nemt og hurtig kan give sin hestehale et lille tvist. Jeg håber, I kan lade jer inspirere af min guide og spørg endelig, hvis der er noget, I ikke forstår. ;)

blog, københavn, high-street

It seems like you really like when I post hair guides on the blog. Especially the kind that takes less than five minutes to make. Understandably. ;) You don’t want to spend hours in front of the mirror in the morning, so if it’s too complicated, you won’t get it done.

Therefore, I have decided to share an easy hair tutorial with you guys once a week. Last week I showed you have to make a messy bun (see HERE) and this time it’s about how you easy and quickly can add a little twist to your ponytail. I hope you can get inspired by my guide and feel free to ask, if there is something you don’t understand. ;)


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Oversized sweater

celine-phantomContains affiliate links: sweater/H&M (similar HERE & HERE), pants/Helmut Lang (similar HERE & HERE), boots/Asos (similar HERE), sunglasses/Stella McCartney (similar HERE), bag/Céline HERE

Godaften allesammen. Jeg håber, I har haft en dejlig weekend. Det eneste minus ved weekender er, at de altid er lidt for korte, haha… Har jeg ikke ret? ;) Jeg har spenderet søndagen i denne uldne fætter. Ja, faktisk nærmest hele weekenden. Den er så blød og lun, at man ikke har lyst til at tage den af. Jeg kan ikke finde den online, men jeg købte den i H&M for nylig så den burde stadig  være at finde i butikkerne. ;) Blot et lille tip.

blog, københavn, high-street
Good evening, everyone. I hope you had a nice weekend. The only drawback about weekends is that they’re always a little too short, haha… Don’t you agree? ;) I have spent all Sunday in this oversize sweater. Actually, I’ve been wearing it almost all weekend. It’s so cosy and soft. I couldn’t find it online, but I bought it in H&M the other day, so it should still be available in stores. Just a small tip.


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Kitchen update


Vi havde som sagt en del gulvtæpper med hjem fra Marrakech. Det ene, vi valgte at beholde, ligger under vores spisebord (se det HER) og det andet er dette såkaldte boucherouite tæppe. Jeg kan godt lide, at det giver farve og liv til vores ellers meget lyse køkken. Da vi købte det, fik vi fortalt, at denne slags tæpper er lavet af folk oppe i bjergene i Marokko. De har ikke råd til at lave gulvtæpper af uld, så i stedet væver de dem af gammelt tøj, som de klipper i strimler. Jeg kan ret godt lide, at tæppet på den måde har en historie med sig. Hvad synes I om det? :) Se i øvrigt før-billede af køkkenet HER.

blog, københavn, high-street
As I told you earlier, we bought a lot of rugs in Marrakech. One of them we chose to keep is placed under our dining table (see it HERE) and the other is a so-called boucherouite rug. I like that it gives color and life to our very bright kitchen. When we bought it, we were told that this type of carpets are made by people in the mountains of Morocco. They can not afford to make carpets of wool, so instead they weave them of old clothes which they cut into strips. I really like that it has a story. What do you think of that? :) Btw, you can find a before pic of our kitchen HERE.

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