Mountain high

outfit-norge@2xjane-kønig@2xCéline-phantom@2xcoatigan@2xContains affiliate links: coatigan/Asos HERE, top/Estradeur (similar HERE), jeans/Sandro (similar HERE), boots/Notabene HERE, bag/Céline HERE, jewelry/Jane Kønig HERE

Jeg er simpelthen blevet så glad for min nye coatigan, som jeg viste jer tidligere HER. Den bliver brugt flittigt her i Norge, da den både er lun og komfortabel – perfekt her i det kolde nord. Den kan varmt anbefales! Her til eftermiddag står den på kortspil, jordbærkage og måske et lille dyp i den norske fjord. Vi får se, om jeg er modig nok. ;)


I have become really fond of my new coatigan, which I showed you earlier HERE. I’m wearing it all the time in Norway, as it’s both warm and comfy. I can highly recommend it. ;) This afternoon we are going to play cards, eat strawberry cake and maybe go for a swim… We will see, if I can convince myself to jump into the cold water. ;)


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9 pieces 9 outfits


Contains affiliate links: black jeans/Twist & Tango HERE, blue jeans/Maison Scotch HERE, pullover/Gestuz HERE, leather jacket/J. Lindeberg HERE, denim jacket/Levis HERE, skirt/Gestuz HERE, grey T-shirt/Minimum HERE, stripe tee/Minimum HERE, white T-shirt/Samsøe Samsøe HERE

Jeg taler ofte om, at det er vigtigt at have en god basisgarderobe. Har man “grundstenene” på plads, ender man nemlig sjældent ud i tøjkrise, da stort set alt kan kombineres med hinanden på kryds og tværs og nemt peppes op med få accessories. Faktisk kan man få temmelig mange outfits ud af meget få styles, hvilket jeg har prøvet at bevise med denne collage. Jeg håber, at I kan lade jer inspirere af de forskellige stylingsmuligheder med blot 9 items. ;)


I often say that it is important to have a good basic wardrobe. If you have your “foundations” in place, you rarely end up having clothing crisis in the morning, since everything can be combined with each other and spiced up with only a few accessories. You can actually get quite a few outfits out of very limited styles, which I have tried to prove with this collage. I hope that you can get inspired by the various styling opportunities. ;)

Contains affiliate links: 1. shopper/Mango HERE, 2. heels/Mango HERE, 3. sunglasses/Mango HERE, 4. ballerina shoes/Billi Bi HERE, 5. bucket bag/Ralph Lauren HERE, 6. bag/Filippa K HERE, 7. plimsolls croc/Clarks HERE, 8. bælte/Tiger HERE, 9. ankle bloots/Vagabond HERE, 10. sunglasses/Mango HERE, 11. studded sandals/Stylesnob HERE, 12. shopper/Mango HERE, 13. plimsolls/Ralph Lauren HERE, 14. white shoes/Vans HERE, 15. black sneakers/Vagabond HERE, 16. sunglasses/Mango HERE, 17. sandals/Bio HERE, 18 headphones/B&O HERE

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Her er simpelthen så smukt i Norge, at jeg næsten må knibe mig selv i armen. Godt nok regner det 90 procent af tiden, men det er virkelig en helt fantastisk natur uanset vejr. I dag har vi kørt tur i omegnen af Boga og set på vandfald. Det er virkelig vildt at se så store mængder vand kontinuerligt fosse igennem en lille åbning. Næsten helt meditativt.

Btw – tak for opmuntringen omkring mine “elektronik uheld”. ;) Det vil åbenbart ingen ende tage… I går væltede jeg et glas vand ud over min computer. Den virker dog heldigvis stadig. Måske er der nogen højere magter der mener, at jeg bør tage en pause fra al elektronisk udstyr, haha… God aften, piger!


Norway is just breathtakingly beautiful! I almost have to pinch my arm sometimes. It is raining 90% of the time, but the scenery is just amazing in any weather. Today we have driven around Boga and looked at waterfalls. It’s really awesome to see such large amounts of water just continuously run through a small opening. Almost meditative.

Btw – thanks for your encouragement regarding my “electronic accidents”. ;) Evidently, it will take no end… Yesterday I poured a glass of water over my computer. Fortunately, it still works. Maybe some higher powers believe, that I should take a break from all electronic equipment, haha… Have a great evening, girls!


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